24 September 2009

Sensible shoppers live in East Anglia

A national survey on shopping habits commissioned by Ipswich Building Society has shown that East Anglian women are more clued up about money than female shoppers living in other parts of the country.

61% of women polled from East Anglia said they budget each month and only spend what they can afford. The East Midlands was the only region to poll higher, with 62%, whilst in Northern Ireland only 40% of women said they planned their spending.

It also emerged that East Anglian women are the biggest bargain hunters in the UK, with 83% admitting to scouring shops for the best possible buys. They are also the most likely to know how much their monthly credit card bill is, with 75% saying they will be aware of the amount before the bill hits the mat.

Paul Winter, Chief Executive at Ipswich Building Society, said: “I suspect many women reading about this will admit to enjoying the adrenaline rush which spending gives them - it makes them feel great in the short term. But it’s worrying that even in East Anglia 39% admit they don’t budget and often spend beyond their means.''

The poll of 5,347 women by research agency 72 point revealed that every week the average shopaholic will spend around £10 on things they don’t really need such as a fast food lunch, chocolate, beauty products, nice shampoo, make up and accessories.

More than half of those polled (53 per cent) admitted it didn't matter what they bought, as long as they bought something.

Paul Winter continues: "What’s amazing is that we are in a recession, when generally spending is down and the job market isn’t good, but there are nearly 1 in 4 women in our region who admit to being a shopaholic.”


East Anglian women spend a total of £9.35 on average each week on (in order of most bought items first):
1. Chocolate
2. Food from the supermarket
3. Lunch out
4. Magazines
5. Treats from vending machines
6. Beauty products
7. Children’s toys
8. Nice shampoo
9. Nail varnish
10. Make-up

Ref: IBS 004-09

For further press information please contact:
Penny Arbuthnot or Amy Bullard, Project PR
Tel: 01473 326403


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