3 August 2009

When washing your hair don't forget your plugholes!

Washing your hair can be one of the most relaxing parts of having a bath or shower. The gentle massage on your head as you rub in the shampoo can stimulate your mind and body, but if you’ve ever had to clear up your shower from clogs of unwanted hair you’ll know its not a relaxing time for your plugholes!

The average human head has 100,000 strands of hair, and it is estimated that we lose 100 strands of hair a day. Most of this falls out when we wash our hair, so combined with soap sludge and other bathroom deposits it is clear that it can cause havoc in your bathroom.

When left unattended, a build up of hair and soap sludge can not only cause blockages and slow running pipes, but it is a breeding ground for nasty germs such as salmonella which can lead to nasty smells and stains in your pipes and around your plughole.

However, this can easily be prevented with a dose of Buster Bathroom Plughole Unblocker. The solution will dissolve any blocked hair and sludge, leaving your plugholes hygienically clean and fresh and your showers flowing freely.

Complimenting the unblocker is Buster Bathroom Plughole& Sink Treatment, which will remove stains and smelly odours from your plugholes. The foaming granules will add a little luxury to your bathroom with the fresh fragrance of rose and camphor.

Priced at £3.29 (RRP) for 300gm, Buster is stocked in Sainsbury’s, Asda, Waitrose, Wilkinson, Tesco, Morrisons and independent hardware stores. Visit


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